回复 :Lauren和Ned订婚了,他们恋爱了,他们只有十天的时间找到Lauren的母亲,她已经在澳大利亚偏远的北方某处捣乱了,让她的父母团聚并完成他们梦寐以求的婚礼。
回复 :In 1960 Germany, Army lawyer Major Steve Garrett is assigned to defend four American soldiers charged with raping 16 year-old Karin Steinhof. She was swimming in a nearby river when the four of them came across her and they were soon arrested thereafter. Maj. Garrett is anything but impressed with his clients but his job is to give them the best defense possible. He tries to obtain a plea bargain but Karin's father flatly refuses and the prosecutor, Colonel Jerome Pakenham, is seeking the death penalty. In order for the death penalty to be applied, the defense attorney must have the opportunity to thoroughly examine the victim under oath. He sympathizes with Karin and does his best to convince Karin father to keep her from testifying. When he refuses, Garrett is left will little choice but to attack her on the stand. Written by garykmcd
回复 :上世纪八十年代末,我国最早的一批独苗正好进入了跨小学、初中的学生阶段。某县城里双职工家庭的陈小进便是这样一个独生子。陈小进的暑假刚开始,爷爷奶奶便去了外地的伯父家,常玩在一起的邻居卫东则去了外地的父亲那里。每个白天,当陈小进的父母去了厂里上班,家里便剩下陈小进一个人。日复一日的漫长白天,作为独苗的陈小进忍受着孤独不断的滋长。他用了很多办法来打发时间,尤其是下午,他看书、打棋谱,甚至百无聊赖地玩蚂蚁、知了等昆虫。一天好不容易过完,到了傍晚,陈小进都会撕掉当天的日历。对于很多孩子非常期待的暑假,在陈小进这里却是难熬的,他渴望着日历尽快翻到开学,尽快把这漫漫暑期过完。