回复 :女主角梅梅意外救了患有重度失忆和妄想症的韦笑宝。韦笑宝幻想自己是金庸小说里的韦小...
回复 :HOVER takes place in the near future, where environmental strain has caused food shortages around the world. Technology provides a narrow path forward, with agricultural drones maximizing the yield from what land remains. Two compassionate care providers, Claudia (Coleman) and her mentor John (Craig muMs Grant), work to assist sick farmland inhabitants in ending their lives. After John dies under mysterious circumstances, a group of locals helps Claudia to uncover a deadly connection between the health of her clients and the technology they are using.
回复 :卫斯理为唤醒昏迷的爱人白素,求助于拥有着超凡能力的蓝血星人方天涯。方天涯在三百年前的一次意外中坠落地球,当时和她一起的还有他的爱人洛卡,两人失散。三百年间,方天涯一刻也没有放弃过寻找爱人。作为回报,卫斯理答应帮助她寻找洛卡。在寻找过程中,卫斯理面对同甘共苦的知心爱人白素,和与其有着莫名情愫的方天涯,陷入了两难境地。