方晴、今生王小涵、今生李彤、朱丽四个是大学同学,几个人平时形影不离情同姐妹,大学毕业以后,几个人决定留在北京找工作,在朋友那里租到了一个便宜的古 宅,几个人住到院子里后,发现还有另外一个房客在这里,一个相貌英俊,但性格怪异的男生,后来,几个人越来越觉得不对劲,她们发现整个院子都阴森森的,而且一连串的怪事开始发生。
方晴、今生王小涵、今生李彤、朱丽四个是大学同学,几个人平时形影不离情同姐妹,大学毕业以后,几个人决定留在北京找工作,在朋友那里租到了一个便宜的古 宅,几个人住到院子里后,发现还有另外一个房客在这里,一个相貌英俊,但性格怪异的男生,后来,几个人越来越觉得不对劲,她们发现整个院子都阴森森的,而且一连串的怪事开始发生。
回复 :Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered
回复 :John Alexander’s wife, Helen, has left him for her lesbian lover. As she speeds away from their mansion for the last time, her Jaguar explodes and she is killed. As the weeks pass, police detectives begin to suspect Helen’s death to be murder with John as a prime suspect. Still devastated by the loss, John slips into a deep depression until he views a recently made lesbian porn film that appears to feature his dead wife! He becomes obsessed with finding the woman in the film and his search propels him into the sleazy porno underworld of drugs and mobsters, with the police detectives one step behind him.
回复 :沉溺在尼采以及海德格惊人的存在主义哲学思考漩涡里的女大学生凯瑟琳,一心想在学术的世界中寻找到道德标准的依归,没想到某夜在纽约街头,一名神情特异的女子在过街前与她搭讪,之后在暗巷内往她脖子上一吻,自此她的抽象思考变得残忍而真实。所有道德困惑与精神救赎,全盘系于她对血浆的挣扎需求。克里斯多夫华肯在片中如同使者般若即若离地引渡她,让她的“夜瘾”逐渐地白热化起来....(台版简介)