回复 :National Geographic goes inside the operations of Customs and Border Protections and Homeland Security Investigations at JFK airport - the busiest international airport in the USA.
回复 :《幻灭》是一部由马特·格罗宁带来的成人奇幻动画喜剧剧集,全部 10 集已于 2018 年 8 月 17 日在 Netflix 上线。《幻灭》将带观众前往分崩离析的中世纪王国“梦之国”,跟随贪杯的年轻公主豆豆、顽皮活跃的精灵伙伴艾福和她的恶魔卢奇展开一段惊险之旅。一路上,奇怪三人组将遇见食人魔、精灵、女妖、小魔鬼、巨怪、海象和许多愚蠢人类。本剧集的配音演员包括艾比·雅各布森(“豆豆”)、埃里克·安德烈(“卢奇”)和纳特·法克森(“艾福”),以及约翰·迪玛吉欧、比利·维斯特、莫里斯·拉马奇、崔丝·麦妮利、大卫·赫尔曼、马特·贝里、珍妮·巴滕、瑞奇·富尔切尔、诺尔·费丁和露西·蒙哥马利。
回复 :A history of Scotland is, like as the name says, about Scotland's history. The first episode takes us through how Scotland was created and why its role in one of the greatest wars helped define Britain in the modern era. The second episode revolves around two front figures in Scottish history, Alexander II and William Wallace, and how they shaped Scotland. Episode three takes us to Robert The Bruce and his fight for Scottish independence and how the church promoted his cause. Episode four takes us to how the Stewart's caused a divide in Scotland between the Highlands and the Lowlands. And episode five revolves around the unification of Scotland and Britain during the reign of Mary Queen Of Scots.