回复 :希拉(丽塔·海华斯 Rita Hayworth 饰)是舞蹈团中的台柱,她的美貌俘获了太多男人的心,其中也包括舞蹈团的高管马丁(罗伯特·本奇利 Robert Benchley 饰)。虽然马丁已经有了家室,但这并不妨碍他展开对于希拉的火热追求,为了讨希拉的欢心,他买了一条名贵的手链想要送给她,哪知道此情此景却被妻子给逮了个正着。为了维持自己的婚姻,马丁谎称这条手链是舞团的总监罗伯特(弗雷德·阿斯泰尔 Fred Astaire 饰)托他转交给希拉的,为了证明自己此言不虚,马丁还特地安排希拉和罗伯特跳了一段暧昧火辣的舞蹈。哪知道此举惊动了报刊杂志,第二天,希拉和罗伯特就已经在头版头条上订婚了。
回复 :世界存亡危在旦夕,“信条”一词是惟一的线索与武ddd。主人公穿梭于全球各地,开展特工活动,力求揭示“信条”之谜,并完成一项超越了真实时间的神秘任务。这项任务并非时间之旅,而是【时空逆转】。
回复 :After seventeen years in prison, the former respected Parisian banker Paul Lavond flees with his friend, the lunatic scientist Marcel that is researching with his wife Malita the miniaturization of animals and human beings to improve the resources of mankind. Paul Lavond was framed for robbery by his scoundrel associates Emil Coulvet, Charles Matin and Victor Radin that had stolen his business while his family was doomed to shame, poverty and tragedy. When Marcel reduces the retarded servant Lachna, he learns that the woman is motionless and only responds to the control of his brain and has a heart attack. After the death of Marcel, Paul Lavond sees the chance to use the miniaturization process as instrument of vengeance and he travels to Paris with the insane Malita disguised of Madame Mandilip, a nice old lady and owner of a dolls store. Paul Lavond, using the identity of Madame Mandilip, befriends his resented and estranged daughter Lorraine Lavond and plots a scheme to revenge and vindicate his family name.