国外The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security in this adaptation of the Robert Ludlum novel.
国外The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security in this adaptation of the Robert Ludlum novel.
回复 :绿树成荫,夏雨淋漓,小学生阿全的暑假作业是要观察鸡蛋的孵化,而他的家庭似乎也面临着变化:在成长过程当中缺席的母亲才从监狱假释,又回头去找当初要她顶罪的男友, 令阿嬷与妈妈的争执越演越烈;爷爷则被诊断出阿兹海默症,阿嬷看似无微不至的照顾, 更像在掩饰什么不可告人的秘密。此时,爷爷的旧友来访,看似友善温和的他,却掀起了 一阵家庭风暴⋯⋯
回复 :一群情侣来到偏僻小岛上,他们想要在这里修复彼此之间糟糕的关系,万万没想到的是,有六个头的怪鲨鱼正在对他们虎视眈眈....
回复 :60年代初,三千多名上海孤儿被大迁徒到内蒙古,琪琪格玛不顾丈夫的反对领养了珍珍和雨声。额吉的慈爱善良、草原上古老的劝奶歌,渐渐抚平了孤儿们幼小心灵上的伤痛使他们成为了真正的草原牧人。然而十几年后,他们亲生父母出现了,这些当年的孤儿们会如何做出他们的人生抉择呢?《额吉》在蒙语裡是母亲,蒙古人把草原也叫额吉。