视频When three women are brutally murdered in four nights, private detective John Duval, ex-lieutenant commander in Naval Intelligence, finds himself the prime suspect in a police hunt for the sexual killer stalking Portsmouth's silent hours.
视频When three women are brutally murdered in four nights, private detective John Duval, ex-lieutenant commander in Naval Intelligence, finds himself the prime suspect in a police hunt for the sexual killer stalking Portsmouth's silent hours.
回复 :汤镇业饰演的小海曾经是一名银行劫匪,抢钱逃跑过程中失手钱袋落入大海。小海良心未泯,准备洗手不干,他大哥却逼他再做一次,双方发生口角,激战中小海打伤大哥,大哥记恨小海,又怀疑小海私自吞并财产,誓要报仇。小海逃到一个偏僻的小山庄避风头等待时机去菲律宾,山庄庄主和其庄人阿威对性格内向的小海有偏见,百般言语讥讽,后庄主女儿小咪海外归来结识小海,二人渐生情愫,小海大哥最后通过阿威找到小海藏身之处,小海亦想与其大哥化解恩怨 大哥假意和解,小海中计。双方交战中 小海与其大哥双双从高空坠落,同归于尽。小咪得知后,含泪离开了伤心地。
回复 :Young Hunters: The Beast of Bevendean is a children's action adventure film, about two boy's hunt for the mysterious creature said to be living in the woods on the edge of town.
回复 :电影改编自陆军牧师达伦特纳(Darren Turner )和他的妻子希瑟(Heather)的非凡真实故事。当战争给他们的心灵留下创伤时,他们面临着另一场战斗:为挽救他们的婚姻而战。