回复 :电影《恐怖南瓜头》是典型的低成本恐怖片,以南瓜魔为吓唬观众的号召,看起来有点令人失笑,但爱好类型片的观众可能仍会乐此不疲。剧情描述过三名摩托车骑士在偏僻的荒野撞死了一名男孩,然后不顾而去。父亲艾德伤心欲绝,誓要替儿子报仇。他想起了童年时代亲眼见过南瓜魔杀人的恐怖威力,于是将自己出卖给恶灵,央求南瓜魔为他展开复仇行动。导演史登.温斯顿卖力地想营造出一个有恐怖气氛的荒野传说,可惜有心无力,成绩差强人意。
回复 :As a result, some of the episodes are a strange mixture of run-of-the-mill exploitation stuff with issues concerning good or bad parenting. For example, in one episode Elise (Marie Luise Lusewitz) has Sunday morning sex with her husband, unaware that her young children are already awake and watching them through the bedroom's keyhole; her hubby finds the subsequent inquisition ...
回复 :Claire and Migoy's relationship is tested when Claire falls in love with Migoy, her son's best friend. This further complicates when it is revealed that Migoy is also secretly in a relationship with the boy who has been calling her Migoy.