回复 :伦 (周润发) 与翠 (赵雅芝) 本是一对,二人甚至珠胎暗结,终於结婚。伦偶然遇上中年富太杨太,成为她的私人司机,初时甚为称心。但杨太原来是某富商的二奶,因为深闺寂寞,竟勾引伦上床。自此伦夹在翠与杨太之间,甚为痛苦。另一方面,伟 (伍卫国) 与美 (吕有慧) 本是一对,美一直想嫁伟,但伟以事业未成为由拒绝,美因为生计考虑,竟嫁了同事龙,令伟甚为难过。不过美婚後过得并不开心,因为龙一直介意美与伟过去的关系,令三人都陷入痛苦之中。後来伦在一次交通意外中撞伤脑部,自此变成白痴,伟等欲助亦无从,翠唯有认命,艰苦地过日子,生下的孩子也健康成长,同时细心照顾伦。 [1]美的弟弟泰本是个好孩子,但因一时冲动犯了伤人罪,入了男童院,最後幸得伟的辅导,终重回正途。
回复 :
回复 :Deputy Assistant Commissioner Charlie Hillian is killed on the night of his retirement party. Hillian was at one time a senior officer in Oxford and was in fact Morse's boss. He was also writing a book about his most memorable cases, including one about the unsolved death of an 8-year-old girl some 18 years ago. The suspect in that case, Frederick Redpath, was at Hillian's house the day he died and that chapter from the manuscript is missing. There are other suspects however, including Hillian's ghost writer who will now receive all of the book's royalties; a handyman who was working on the property; and Redpath's daughter, who knew the little girl who was killed all those years before. Morse comes into conflict with with a colleague DCI Dawson, who was one of Hillian's protégés, as they again look into the little girl's death.