回复 :位于歌舞伎町一隅的万事屋,坂田银时(小栗旬 饰)、志村新八(菅田将晖 饰)和神乐(桥本环奈 饰)因为没钱交房租而焦头烂额,于是三人只得外出打工。他们先是去夜总会担任女招待,之后又临时充当理发师,可好死不死都碰上了微服出访的将军大人德川茂茂(胜地凉 饰),令他们战战兢兢,如履薄冰。另一方面,真选组土方十四郎(柳乐优弥 饰)遭伊东鸭太郎(三浦春马 饰)暗算,从刚硬坚毅的武士变成了柔弱怯懦的御宅族,最终被真选组扫地出门。在此之后,伊东联合鬼兵队,策划足以颠覆江户政府的大阴谋……本片根据空知英秋的超人气漫画改编改编,是同系列真人电影的第二部,此次的故事根据“将军接待篇”和“真选组动乱篇”改编。
回复 :非常棒的超现实科幻片,与<银色星球>很像,导演Alex Proyas后来还拍了那部著名的<Dark City>,这是他的处女作.以下地址有详细介绍和剧照:http://www.mitternachtskino.de/spiritsoftheair.htmLike a dream, some things can only be experienced to understandThis film has some of the most beautiful imagery and haunting music ever. (Not to overstate it or anything) A three hander set in a post apocalyptic Oz outback (but one which is wildly more fantastical than Mad Max), Spirits of the Air tells the story of Smith, a stranger on the run who happens upon Felix and Betty, far into the desert.All around them are amazing images of cars buried into the ground like totems, huge flags blowing madly in the desert wind and their house itself is of the old oz pioneer style but decorated everywhere with crucifixes. Felix is an inventor obsessed with flight and making a glider, an obsession which has already left him in a wheel chair. Betty is one of the truly great film characters, just an absolute tripper - I can't describe her but the performance is a delight.This is not a fast film, it is not action packed but is intense - the imagery and art direction are beautiful, the writing is distinct and very Australian but still universal, the soundtrack is haunting (a lot of windsound montages with a simple tune used to great effect) and the performances are both real and surreal.Until you see this film (and for those who have enjoyed the increasingly brilliant work of Alex Proyas, you really should) you won't know what you are missing.
回复 :海琳娜(伊莎贝尔•阿佳妮 Isabelle Adjani)的丈夫是法国的一个黑帮头目。一天,当他携带一个装着重要文件的文件箱走在大街上时,被法国混混弗莱德抢走了。弗莱德凭借法国庞大的地铁系统逃走了。弗莱德(克里斯多夫•兰伯特 Christopher Lambert)将抢来的重要文件藏在地铁上,此时他发现地铁里的世界原来也多姿多彩。在这里他结识了吉他手、轮滑小子、鼓手等人。警察和黑帮此时都在寻找弗莱德。弗莱德向海琳娜索要文件的赎金的过程中,海琳娜逐渐爱上了他,而越来越憎恨她的丈夫和她所在的阶层。弗莱德一直有个梦想,就是组建一支乐队。他在地铁上认识的伙伴们帮他实现了这个梦想。弗莱德利用抢劫得来的钱在地铁上举办了一个音乐会。但就在此时,黑帮和警察同时找上门了。