回复 :A main character of the incest movie "Gli sfiorati", in english is also known as Drifters, is Mète. He is 30 yeras old graphologist, enchanted by the secrets that can reveal the human hand. A week before father's wedding, his 17 years old stepsister moves to his Roman apartment. She is very hot and sexy teenager and the new neighborhood is now the beginning of their friendly ...
回复 :嫖客是黑社会老大,和妓女在某大厦酒店内玩SM,他让妓女背对着他趴在落地玻璃窗上,扭动臀部,这个镜头可能是用直升飞机拍摄的:从中午到将暮的黄昏,光影在万丈高楼之间作几何运动,妓女一直趴在巨幅落地窗上。嫖客的要求很简单,就是扭到“湿”了为止。完了,嫖客问妓女:“你觉得你是一 个怎样的人?”,妓女答:“是一个几乎没有用的人”。嫖客说:“错了,你很有潜质,你要相信自己。”然后嫖客叹了一口气:“哎,我活了40多岁,明白了,其实我是一个猥琐的人。”……
回复 :该片主要讲述了吴印咸和徐肖冰创立的延安电影团的历史事迹。徐肖冰是摄影方面的罕见全才,其拍摄的《马路天使》、《开国大典》被誉为电影界“经典中的经典”,堪称影坛巨子。八一制片厂把延安电影团种种事迹亮相荧幕,向观众展现战争期间电影人士开展电影事业的光辉历程。