回复 :When cousins Ted (Taylor Nichols)and Fred Boynton (Chris Eigeman) hit Barcelona, the sexiest city in the world, the possibilities – and the beautiful girls – are endless. But without warning, international intrigue interrupts the pair's romantic pursuits... and what follows is a dangerously sexy comedy that explores life, liberty, and the labours of love.
回复 :Two best friends try to make it through high school while dealing with embarrassing new urges and their very inconvenient feelings for each other.
回复 :阴差阳错立奇功的姚二嘎(程野 饰)光荣成为“保安一哥”,深受富豪张世豪(孙越 饰)赏识,被安排去护送总裁千金丽萨和巨额合同款。不料途中横遭车祸,丽萨遭神秘面具人绑架,巨款不翼而飞,二嘎却成了被悬赏通缉的最大嫌疑人。为洗刷冤屈,二嘎在刘半仙(杨树林 饰)的帮助下,与麻辣女保镖谭家洛(潘春春 饰)联手智斗鱼霸手撕绑匪,找回巨款之路意外连连笑料百出。