回复 :「刀鍛冶の里編」のテレビアニメ化が決定。同時に、ティザービジュアルと、「鬼滅の刃」刀鍛冶の里編テレビアニメ化決定 PVを公開しました。
回复 :拥有着7000年历史的萨格大陆继续风起云涌。立志要做最伟大魔晶猎人的小裁缝千瑞,在魔晶学院不断卷入阴谋的漩涡。一步步接近真相的代价竟然是要牺牲自己无比信任的朋友和恩师!徘徊在绝望中的千瑞和他的伙伴们到底该何去何从。
回复 :Rainer Kohlberger is prepared to go far when it comes to the physical experiences he evokes with his work. Answering the Sun demands the utmost from its audience. The invitation is to squint our eyes and allow the most amazing trips to unfold – just like when we were children letting the sun come in. However, the work is simultaneously a 60-minute bombardment of coloured fields and a wall of sound, followed by a hallucinatory, silent inky-black sequence.In the darkened cinema with its immense screen, the strong lights create afterimages on our retina, while the acoustic stimuli cause the ears to generate their own sounds. The human body seems to be taken over when the senses are overstimulated and tricked. If you are prepared to surrender this creates a unique trip, leaving us guessing as to what the person in the next seat experienced.WARNING NOT SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE WITH EPILEPSY