格林The inspiring world of Leonard da Vinci is brought to life by acclaimed BAFTA winning actor Peter Capaldi in a unique dramatised documentary
格林The inspiring world of Leonard da Vinci is brought to life by acclaimed BAFTA winning actor Peter Capaldi in a unique dramatised documentary
回复 :Inspired by W.G. Sebald’s book and based on WWII archive footage, the film puts forward the question: is it morally acceptable to use civilian population as a means of war? Is it possible to justify mass destruction for the sake of higher “moral” ideals? The question remains as relevant today, as it was 80 years ago, and its urgency is tragically manifested in the current events.
回复 :我爸說:赤崁樓裡有九隻烏龜,傳說只要遇到跑走的第十隻烏龜就能帶來好運。赤崁樓旁有隻石頭馬,傳說這匹石馬曾在半夜化成妖怪擾民。1996年夏天,18歲的小南考上大學,離家北上前的晚上,小南巧遇回台南尋找老家的佳穎。小南帶著佳穎穿梭在台南的街巷間,卻被身上畫滿刺青又裹著石膏的機車怪客追逐,在逃跑與閃躲的過程中,小南重新熟悉這陪他18年的家鄉,佳穎也溫習自己八歲前的童年回憶,還遇到那傳說中的第十隻烏龜……。
回复 :富家女阿珍(李丽珍 饰)狂野不羁,自幼受父母溺爱的她深信自己的处世哲学,只想要追寻自由简单生活与浪漫炽热的爱情。暑假期间,父母安排其前往英国参加夏令营, 她却想趁此机会计划一个属于自己的假期,暗地里将机票送给好友,自己却前往男友处准备与其过甜蜜的二人世界。岂料发现男友正与另一女子鬼混,她一气之下开始自己的孤独旅途,一路上遇到了各色人士,有好色的流氓、不羁的浪子、有趣的夫妻......到底珍能否找到心中所爱呢?