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回复 :Produced by Julie Salvador for Christmas in July (which recently co-produced Cannes competitor You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet [trailer]), Henri, the shooting of which will start in the autumn, will be set in the North of France and have Henri as its main character, a fifty-something pigeon fancier who owns a popular brasserie and doesn’t have many more expectations in life. When his wife suddenly dies, a young disabled girl comes to help him at the brasserie. Her name is Rosette. Little by little they form a tender and affectionate relationship, through which each of them, having both suffered for too long, find a new meaning to life. It’s worth noting that this time Moreau will not play the lead role in her film
回复 :光绪二十年,西太后(卢燕)六十岁,虽然已「还政」于光绪帝(狄龙),但实际上依然大权在握。又派小太监寇连材(姜大卫),以侍候光绪为名,实作监视。光绪很想有一番作为,但因优柔寡断,致无法摆脱西太后的操纵;幸有珍妃(萧瑶)安慰,但又遭皇后(凌波)等陷害……第12届金马奖优等剧情片、最佳女主角(卢燕)、最佳彩色影片美术设计(陈景森)《倾国倾城》(the empress dowager,香港,1975),邵氏兄弟公司荣誉伟构,李翰祥历史宫帏片权威代表作,邵氏旗下大牌明星云集一堂,是一部描绘慈禧垂帘听政三十年后清宫权利斗争的历史巨铸。著名美籍演员卢燕饰演慈嬉太后,破格起用动作明星狄龙饰演窝囊的光绪皇帝,姜大卫饰演的小太监寇连材本是给狄龙配戏的,锋头却直盖主角。影片荣获第十二届金马奖(1975年)- 优等剧情片,最佳女主角(卢燕),最佳彩色影片美术设计(陈景森)。
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