回复 :Mary, a poor farm girl, meets Tim just as word comes that war has been declared. Tim enlists in the army and goes to the battlefields of Europe, where he is wounded and loses the use of his legs. Home again, Tim is visited by Mary, and they are powerfully attracted to each other; but his physical handicap prevents him from declaring his love for her. Deeper complications set in when Martin, Tim's former sergeant and a bully, takes a shine to Mary.
回复 :故事讲述了一个刚从美国留学归来、完全没有事业打算、一心想着享受人生的富二代女孩,却突然面临父亲去世、家族企业危机等一系列变故。促使她坚强的担负起了挽救家族企业的重任。在助理兼闺蜜的帮助下,,坚毅顽强刻苦的她,终于让企业渐有起色,却又遭遇了致命的背叛,企业被对手收购······她的密友,则是一个背负了母命复仇的白领精英。在成功地完成了复仇使命后,非但没有品尝到复仇的快感,反而倍感不安、愧疚和悔恨。故事取材现实,择取当代热点社会元素,以女性视角,诠释了当代青年人自由的世界观和传统价值观的正能量,是在倾轧、复杂的商界、职场中奋斗女性的真实写照,通过对纠结矛盾的情感交织、一波三折的剧情演绎,本剧对当代年轻女性如何秉持爱情、友情以及价值观、金钱观作了有益的探索。对于当代年轻人继承民族优秀价值观与当代主流价值观,做了有机结合。本剧对当下、尤其是年青一代,具有很好的正能量引导性和借鉴价值。
回复 :Going well beyond the conventions of the expedition film genre, Marie Amiguet sets up he camera on the Tibetan Plateau accompanied by the wildlife photographer Vincent Munier the adventure writer Sylvain Tesson, who describes their time in his book La Panthère desneiges which won the Prix Renaudot in 2019. Will they succeed in seeing the big cat? In th process of capturing the anticipation, the silence, the passing of the days and the strength nature, an obvious theme emerges: the beauty of the world.