苏丝(蔡卓妍 饰)是一个典型的追星族。当起了李痴琛的全职粉丝。娱乐圈尔虞我诈,影院竞争激烈。苏丝为了对付李痴琛多年来的对手郑恩仪(郑嘉颖饰),影院与单恋自己已旧的围村邮差何金水(古巨基饰)一起使尽了各种丑化行为,干尽了疯狂之事。接着苏丝当了李痴琛的助手,并跟他到北京参加一个重要的颁奖典礼。到了北京,苏丝才看清楚李痴琛的真面目,也间接为郑恩仪制造了更多丑闻。苏丝清醒的时刻发觉自己以往行径实属过分,于是与金水一起想办法帮助郑恩仪正名,而最后的最终大奖,会是有谁夺得呢?
苏丝(蔡卓妍 饰)是一个典型的追星族。当起了李痴琛的全职粉丝。娱乐圈尔虞我诈,影院竞争激烈。苏丝为了对付李痴琛多年来的对手郑恩仪(郑嘉颖饰),影院与单恋自己已旧的围村邮差何金水(古巨基饰)一起使尽了各种丑化行为,干尽了疯狂之事。接着苏丝当了李痴琛的助手,并跟他到北京参加一个重要的颁奖典礼。到了北京,苏丝才看清楚李痴琛的真面目,也间接为郑恩仪制造了更多丑闻。苏丝清醒的时刻发觉自己以往行径实属过分,于是与金水一起想办法帮助郑恩仪正名,而最后的最终大奖,会是有谁夺得呢?
回复 :电影讲述了一伙贩毒集团从境外走私毒品违法犯罪引起警方的高度重视,为了查清其走私途径以及销售渠道,缉毒队长宇帆带领队员与毒贩李勇斗智斗勇。
回复 :本片为邵氏六七十年代的经典代表作之一,陈厚扮演的都是外表不羁,内里憨直的富贵公子,因为想娶千金小姐,抛弃有身孕的未婚妻未果,最后杀害她,但却被疑似鬼魂索命,最终吓到一命呜呼。
回复 :A comedy about two people with different world-views, from different places, whose fate, with the help from a bull Garonja (a name given to the black bulls in villages of Croatia), intertwine. Ante (Goran Bogdan) is a peasant from Dalmatian hinterland, a son of an bull fights organizer, and skilled insurance salesman. He is known by his powers of persuasion. At the voting for the Law for animal protection, biggest controversy is considering bull fights. Sonja (Judita Frankovic) is from Zagreb, an inveterate activist fighting for animal rights. In Dalmatian hinterland nobody can understand her attitude. They conclude that Sonja, regardless of the declared intense love of animals, would not dare stand in front of a bull. About Sonja and Anthony , the central pair who in his romantic comedy game going a little farther - a little back, a series of actions is carried out in the style of a wild untamed satire at the expense of local "yellow" media and important institutions such as the ...