回复 :高中女生佐仓千代(小泽亚李 配音)的暗恋对象是与自己同年级的野崎君(中村悠一 配音),她鼓起勇气告白的结果居然是得到了他的亲笔签名。正当千代为自己的告白台词“我是你的粉丝”引起了误会而感到苦恼时,野崎君居然直接邀请千代回家。她又紧张又期待,谁知道等待着她的是一堆漫画原稿,她糊里糊涂地当起了漫画助手。千代这才知道,自己的心上人野崎君原来是知名少女漫画家。虽然作品以描绘细腻的少女心思著称,野崎君本人却意外地神经大条,而且完全没有恋爱经历。他的漫画角色原型来自身边的朋友,而这些“原型们”,尽是些极具反差萌的家伙。本剧为同名TV动画的特典,故事依然围绕着七位萌点满满的主角的日常展开。
回复 :This is the incredible true story of a little girl’s kidnap, her five year survival alone in the jungle…and the monkeys who saved her.A unique journey from feral child to modern day Grandma now living happily in Bradford, England.Marina Chapman doesn’t know her real name or her biological family.She claims that as a child in Colombia she was abducted and abandoned in the jungle, and that she survived by living alone with monkeys for five years.Now, fifty years later, Marina is returning to Colombia with her daughter to try and uncover the truth.Scientists will analyse her bones, test her subconscious responses, examine the inner workings of her mind and a leading primatologist will try and pick holes in her knowledge of monkeys and their behaviour.Who were her real family? Why was she kidnapped? Could a five year old girl really survive in the jungle so long in the company of monkeys? Is Marina Chapman a fantasist? Or was she truly raised by monkeys?What the journey uncovers is incredible. But do the experts give her the answers she’s been searching for? Or will they shoot her story down in flames?Find out in the Woman Raised By Monkeys.
回复 :从小在森林长大的主人公阿呜,在回归城市生活后,因为难以适应而产生了许多烦恼。这时,两位拥有超能力的老朋友——浣影和蓝方包出现了,可他们并非来帮助阿呜适应城市生活,而是给阿呜带来了守护城市的使命。原来,一只小老鼠凭借着超凡的智力制造出巨型的怪兽,正在城市中到处抢占食物和资源,为了城市的安全,阿呜义无反顾地接受使命,变身成铠兽超人,教训捣乱的怪兽。在与怪兽的对战中,阿呜经历了无数的磨炼与考验,而这些经历使得阿呜慢慢成长起来,总有一天,他会适应城市生活并成为优秀的城市守护者。