回复 :茱莉亚(Cathleen Nesbitt 饰)年事已高,家财万贯,可是没有子嗣,也就没有名正言顺的继承者,为此,她找到了女巫师布兰奇(芭芭拉·哈里斯 Barbara Harris 饰)。茱莉亚告诉布兰奇,她的妹妹曾有一个私生子,被她送给别人抚养,如今,她想找到这个可怜的孩子,让他继承家产。就这样,布兰奇和情人乔治(布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern 饰)一起展开了调查,得知领养茱莉亚外甥的那个家庭全员葬身于大火之中,而放火的不是别人,正是他们想要找的那个人——爱德华(威廉姆·德瓦内 William Devane 饰)。如今的爱德华改名换姓,成为了一位珠宝商,狡猾的他害怕当年的罪行曝光,于是雇佣了当年帮他脱罪的马罗尼(艾德·劳特 Ed Lauter 饰),让他将布兰奇一行人杀死。
回复 :While investigating a drug-trafficking app, “Monster Cop” Ma Seok-do and his team discover a connection between the app’s developer, who was murdered in the Philippines, and an illegal online gambling organisation. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Baek Chang-gi is controlling the Korean online illegal gambling market and spreading terror with kidnap, assault and murder. His partn...
回复 :On the day of a local coming-of-age ceremony, a generation of teenagers stumble into the void of suburban idealism.