回复 :实验性纪录剧情长片《我心我行》,编导/摄影 姚宏易、监制 侯孝贤、主演 许芳宜、特别演出 谢盈萱、陈竹昇、孙翠凤。舞蹈家许芳宜的半自传的实验性纪录剧情长片,之前在《俗女养成记2》有合作的陈竹昇、谢盈萱饰演许爸许妈。金马59入围最佳摄影、最佳动作设计、最佳原创电影音乐三项。11月11日院线上映。
回复 :《性生活》是一部官能現實系列,窺探式紀錄片,圍繞「有趣的性和色情體驗」。美高梅的無劇本與另類電視台和Orion電視台總裁,巴里楫i茲尼克(Barry Poznick),分享了他對該節目的熱情,他說:「與電影講故事者合作,從關門的背後帶給觀眾親密而挑釁的活動,擴大了美高梅電視台獨家節目的範圍 吸引全世界的觀眾。」該節目的第一季於2019年6月14日在Epix上首映,廣受好評。 第二季亦推出兩集,引起熱議。
回复 :This film takes place in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Matic lives in a large neighbourhood of concrete blocks of flats with his mother. As his father is temporarily working in Libya, they live alone. Matic's otherwise monotonous life changes dramatically when he is chosen to feature in a film. At the shooting he meets Milena, a girl his own age whom he begins to like. When the shooting is over, the film company gives him a present, a huge black Newfoundlander. Although his mother is not really pleased about it, Matic brings the dog home. And that is just the beginning of their adventures... - IMDb