A 16-year-old girl embarks on a journey of life where she deals with understanding herself, the changing world, bullying, academic pressure and her transcending journey of first love.
A 16-year-old girl embarks on a journey of life where she deals with understanding herself, the changing world, bullying, academic pressure and her transcending journey of first love.
回复 :After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!
回复 :报考东大两度落榜的青年宫原圭介(三浦春马 饰)为了不让爱他的人失望,决定第三次向东大发起冲击。谁知就在考试当天早上,圭介竟然睡过了头。他手忙脚乱奔向考场,眼看过了入场时间,圭介突然从早上的恐怖袭击新闻中得到启示。他奔向附近的网吧,发邮件扬言在考场防止了炸弹。这一招终于为他赢得了顺利入场的资格。也许受到命运之神的垂怜,这一次圭介如愿以偿考入东大。兴奋异常的青年,却不知此时有另一双眼睛冷冷地注视着他。那个阴冷的青年名叫田中宏志(城田优 饰),他因为圭介引起的骚动失去了进入东大的机会。田中知晓了圭介的所作所为,并且主动接近对方,对其进行威胁。圭介不知不觉跌入自己亲手制造的黑暗漩涡之中……
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