回复 :他是蝙蝠侠最不共戴天的宿敌,是丧心病狂的犯罪大师,他怪异的狂暴行径就连世界最佳侦探也琢磨不透。然而小丑并非天生如此。在他成为犯罪界的小丑王子之前,在那命定的一天将他面容尽毁、心灵永久扭曲之前,他也曾是黑暗骑士愿意献出生命去保护的对象——一个平凡人 。是什么导致了这个平凡公民堕落成了哥谭有史以来最强反派?蝙蝠侠能阻止小丑把戈登局长和他的女儿芭芭拉拖入疯狂深渊的计划吗?这对死敌能及时为他们之间无尽的对决画下一个句号吗?
回复 :TV动画《#弦音##风舞高中弓道部#》宣布第二季制作决定!将于2023年1月播出!
回复 :The story of the movie is somewhat based on the plot of the most recent game, Sakura Wars 3, released back in March this year. While the game features Lieutenant Ohgami, the main character who takes off for Paris, narrates one side of the story, the movie unveils the secrets behind Hanagumi. Ohgami leaves for Paris, consequently leaving Hanagumi without a leader; thus a new character will be introduced here. To be replaced with Lieutenant Ohgami is the former leader of Hoshigumi, Rachette Artile - a rationalistic and distinct individual, who brings about serious problems to Hanagumi. The members are now in discord with Rachette. Meanwhile, Teikoku Kagekidan was being threatened by some irrelevant demons and a new type of anti-kouma mechas, (brought by an american company) appears and tries to replace the koubu-kai. Having made repeated mistakes due to the absence of Ohgami, Hanagumi is now faced with an unprecedented danger, while the abolishment of Teikoku Kagekidan Hanagumi is being schemed.