回复 :本片讲述了在伊拉克冲突中作战的年轻美国大兵的故事,并将侧重点集中在了多媒体覆盖下的现代战争模式上。由于年轻人冲动的本性和自身的局限,《节选修订》向我们展示了将一群年轻的美国士兵放置在一个精神上野心勃勃的境地的恶果。导演德·帕尔玛在搜集和整理了大量美伊冲突中美国士兵的经历,此番将镜头对准余热未消的伊拉克战争,可谓浑身是胆。剧情围绕美国陆军的一个小分队展开。他们借着自己的强势地位,迫害了一名无辜的伊拉克女孩及她的家人,故事在一次残忍的强奸和谋杀中达到顶峰。影片锋芒毕露,尖锐地揭示出战争带来的无辜死亡和伊拉克人面对战争时的无助。电影让观众思考并开始质疑得到的任何信息和事件。因为,真相经媒体和政治等等的高效率过滤器过滤之后往往已经走样,变成了为一小部分人所用的工具。最后电影抛下一个问题等待着大家思考:一旦我们知道了真相,战争的意义何在?所有的悲剧将向谁倾诉?
回复 :纽约街头接连发生残酷杀人事件,被害者死状恐怖,令人不忍卒睹。所有目击者都指证凶手系一身传警官制服的男子。随着死者数量持续增加,市政厅决定对此事件进行彻底抽查,并派出得力干探弗兰克(Tom Atkins 饰)负责此案。不久,一个名叫杰克•弗雷斯特(Bruce Campbell 饰)的警官被列为头号嫌疑犯,情知冤枉的杰克无所依靠,只得借助女友特蕾莎(Laurene Landon 饰)和弗兰克的帮助,共同揪出案件背后的真正凶手……
回复 :Jake Cullen (Bill Kerr) lives with his grandson in the Australian outback when a massive razorback boar attacks him, destroying his house and killing his grandson. He is accused of murder and his dignity is destroyed.Two years later, a wildlife reporter, Beth Winters, journeys to the outback to document the hunting of Australian wildlife to be used as animal food, processed in a large factory, but she is attacked by two deranged locals, Benny and Dicko, who leave her to be killed by the beast. Her husband, Carl, goes in search of her, and aids Jake Cullen and his young associate, Sarah Cameron, in hunting for the razorback responsible for her death.As they search for the creature, Benny and Dicko worry that they may be associated with the murder of Beth Winters, so they attack Cullen and leave him to be killed by the boar. Vowing revenge for his wife and his friend, Carl finds Benny and lowers him into a mineshaft, presumably killing him, and finds Dicko in the factory. Before he can kill him, the razorback surges and mauls Dicko to death before chasing after Carl and Sarah, where they face off inside the processing factory. Carl lures the Boar (having speared it with a pole) into pursuing him down a conveyor belt, at the end of which is a large industrial fan. Not able to stop itself, the boar falls to its demise onto the blade/fins killing it, while Carl rescues Sarah.