回复 :Young Felix grows up as an inside spectator at cycling races, a bizarre environment where violence and drugs seem to reign. Following his father's footsteps, Felix discovers that his body is not made for the game
回复 :Ruth is searching for her father – a man she hardly knew but cannot forget. Desperation drives her to work without a permit, at a massage parlour, where she gives ‘happy endings’ to unfulfilled men. Torn between several schisms, Mumbai becomes the backdrop for Ruth's quest as she struggles to find her independence and space even as she is sucked deeper into the labyrinthine politics of the city's underbelly.
回复 :新任视察员雷蒙特和助手艾米奉命调查警察局内部一起贪污案时,发现了另一个更加隐秘的犯罪网,涉及到了声望很高的警官佩克。佩克实际上是个十分阴险的人,他一面与雷蒙特装作友好,一面又挑拨雷蒙特夫妻间的关系。调查中发现佩克有很多女人,且凡是与他交往密切的警察都很富有。被怀疑有贪污行为的斯德雷奇打电话给妻子彭妮,让她与雷蒙特做一笔交易,而此时彭妮正和佩克情意绵绵,佩克于是派人暗杀了斯德雷奇。实际上佩克一直在充当受雇杀手,就在他又去接受一起杀人买卖时,雷蒙特和艾米赶到现场,但未能抓到他。随后,他又杀死雇主,并到雷蒙特家中恐吓他妻子凯瑟琳,雷蒙特及时赶来,二人又展开一场拚杀。