回复 :里面金台父亲叫金鹏将军,一上来就被西夏武士(计春华)给杀了,我记得是打在太阳穴上,喷了计一脸.然后金台哥把金台放在小木盆里飘走了.后来被一位道长救起(也就是金台的师父).后来金台哥被人要挟告诉金台其父母为王安石所杀,金台找王报仇,幸王有林顺父女相救并告知真相.拿烟袋的老头就是林顺.后来西夏武士杀到王安石府中,击败林顺等一批高手最终与金台决斗.反派是朝中一位大臣,他与西夏相勾结.嗯,那时我很小的时候看的了,印象就是金台家人被杀,然后小孩子被放在盆漂走了、、、、
回复 :《青春环游记》首创连续剧集式的综艺新形式,在单期节目完整性的基础上,核心线索于全季10-12期故事中一以贯之,并融入喜剧性的翻转环节,跌宕起伏、悬念重重,让观众在艺人冒险之外也能欣赏到各位嘉宾狂飙演技的火花四溅。透过节目来展现沿途各国风情与历史、文化,加 强中外文化交流;同时结合中华文明,体现当地华人风采。
回复 :Ben Robinson retraces the dramatic last days of King John, England's most disastrous monarch, and uncovers the legend of his lost treasure.Ten days took King John from ruler of an empire to sudden death, and left the kingdom in ruins. John is famous for the creation of Magna Carta, which inspired our modern democracy.Ben follows in the footsteps of the King's epic last journey, from the treacherous marshes of East Anglia, through Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, to his final resting place in Worcester. He is joined by medieval historian professor Stephen Church.Together they examine the truth behind the legend that has lived on for 800 years. Did the crown jewels really end up in the mud of the Wash? Was the King poisoned? Does he deserve his reputation as our most disastrous monarch?Thanks to unique documents, we can tell this epic tale in the King's own words. Not only can we get into the mind of the Magna Carta King, we can reveal in fantastic detail how and where he travelled.Ben reveals what happened when treasure seekers attempted to find the King's lost jewels with the help of a diviner. And using the latest technology reveals how we can actually see back in time to reveal the landscape as it would have looked when King John made his last journey 800 years ago.