回复 :民初上海。卫斯理(罗嘉良饰)由国外学成归来,但他不想打理家族的当铺生意,而是开了一所私家侦探社,目的是方便自己去查探奇闻怪事。他相信世间存在着鬼神一说,也相信地球之外有外星人的存在。直到他邂逅为人理性的白素(蒙嘉慧饰),这位性格刚好与卫斯理相反,凡事以科学角度去分析、讲求证据真相的欢喜冤家。寻找真相的寂寞旅途上,卫斯理一直继续其探险精神去找寻各式各样古怪事情的真相,也最终发现自己的真爱就是白素。这部由香港无线电视翡翠台推出的三十集科幻悬疑电视剧《卫斯理》,改编自香港著名作家倪匡创作的科幻小说《卫斯理》系列,分为《纸猴》、《尸变》、《木炭》、《寻梦》、《蛊惑》、《神仙》、《鬼混》和《盗墓》八个系列故事组成。多年来,倪匡的《卫斯理》小说系列被改编成近无数部电影电视,经久不衰。本剧集于2003年6月2日首播,由罗嘉良、蒙嘉慧、唐文龙、杨怡、杨明及麦长青领衔主演。
回复 :Jasmine takes her newfound doggy friend Happy on a long journey to her sick grandmother in Baguio. The two walk an incredible distance, face all kinds of challenges, run into many strangers and help them along the way. Her grandmother had been ill once and then a dog helped her to recover - maybe this time Happy the one.
回复 :Set in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, Summer journeys nostalgically through the warm middle-Ural summer with eight-year-old Vadim and his half-sister Christina. They enjoy evening festivities with their older teenage friends by the fire, go on mellow skateboard rides, and have a quiet daytime nap in the garden house. Caressed by the sun and the warmth of his relatives, hidden in the quiet tranquillity of the garden and far away from the cruelty of the outside world, Vadim enjoys his childhood days. Acting as a serene lullaby that mimics the movements of a gentle breeze, Summer provides warmth, joy and solace, offering hope and strength for the future.