这部极为豪华的古装剧以1866年春天,不至意大利和奥地利发生冲突前夕为历史背景。描写了一名意大利贵族妇女Countess Serpieri ,不至背叛自己的婚姻和国家,不顾一切爱上了俊美而乖戾的奥地利军官Lieutenant Franz Mahler,两人爱得轰轰烈烈,但时代已经发生巨变,最终酿成悲剧。
这部极为豪华的古装剧以1866年春天,不至意大利和奥地利发生冲突前夕为历史背景。描写了一名意大利贵族妇女Countess Serpieri ,不至背叛自己的婚姻和国家,不顾一切爱上了俊美而乖戾的奥地利军官Lieutenant Franz Mahler,两人爱得轰轰烈烈,但时代已经发生巨变,最终酿成悲剧。
回复 :Captain Fedor Volkonogov is part of the law enforcement system. He is appreciated by the commander and respected by colleagues. But the moment comes for Captain's life to take the abrupt turn - he is criminally charged. Captain manages to escape prior to the arrest turning in a split of the second into prey hunted down by ex-colleagues. At night Fedor receives the warning from the afterlife that he is destined for Hell and eternal torments. Though Captain still has a chance to change the destiny and be accepted to Heaven under condition that he repents and at least one person grants him sincere forgiveness. Fedor sets on a mission to find absolution without idea of the trials he is to face on this route.
回复 :根据Martha Norman荣获普利策奖的同名戏剧改编,两代影后Anne Bancroft和Sissy Spacek共同奉献了精湛的演出。1983年的某个清晨,寂寞的美国小镇上,Jessie告知母亲Thelma,她将在今天结束自己的生命,Thelma只有想尽一切办法让女儿找到活下去的希望……本片入围1987年柏林电影节竞赛单元,Anne Bancroft凭借其近乎完美的表演获得当年金球奖影后提名。
回复 :Based on a famous stage play and set in the year 1912, an upper crust English family dinner is interrupted by a police inspector who brings news that a girl known to everyone present has died in suspicious circumstances. It seems that any or all of them could have had a hand in her death. But who is the mysterious Inspector and what can he want of them ?