回复 :In the majestic tropical island of Palawan, three environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and political corruption in this thrilling documentary about land defenders battling to save and preserve paradise in the Philippines.The island of Palawan in the Philippines contains one of the oldest, largest and most diverse rainforests in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous places to be a land defender. Inside this majestic tropical island, environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and battle to save their home for the next generation. Bobby Chan, a local environmental lawyer, leads a bold group of renegade land protectors who guard the rainforest by peacefully confiscating and dismantling the chainsaws of illegal loggers. The battle also rages on behind closed doors. Mayor Nieves Rosento of El Nido is fighting for her political life as her entire family is slandered by her opposition with support from the land developers and infamous dictator President Rodrigo Duterte. Delikado is a timely environmental thriller on how corrupt corporate and political interests are swallowing small Indigenous communities across the globe by diminishing their resources and limiting their power, one tree at a time.
回复 :或许,人生是一座大山,是一条大河,我们自出生那一刻便注定是要跨过山河,去追寻自己的。而这跨过的山河,便是这部电影所要讲述的故事。影片由《双亲》、《流星流星》、《狐狸爷爷的礼物》、《1728》、《兔子先生》、《萍聚》、《新愿》、《目送》八个故事组成,诠释了生、老、病、死、求不得、放不下、爱别离、怨长久八种人生滋味。感谢你出现在我的人生中,山水一程,能遇到你,一起相拥,共同浮沉,实在是三生有幸。
回复 :这是一个美食构成的世界。传说女娲以神通铸成五味石,赋予食物味道和灵魂。在这里山川、湖泊都由美食组成:芝士崖、面包山、洋葱石林、鸡汤湖……形形色色的食物生活在这个世界,有着自己的故事和江湖。武艺平平的包子包强( 杨光普照 配音),为了实现自己的英雄梦想,加入了面仙国的舰队出海抗击海盗,却遭到了咸鱼海盗伏击。一番混战后,包强和海盗雇佣的赏金浪人寿司武藏(孟宇 配音)流落荒岛,为了找到各自的伙伴,水火不融的两人开启了一段啼笑皆非的冒险。