回复 :《超级名模2》的故事发生在第一部的10年之后,故事发生地在罗马。当年的名模祖兰德(本·斯蒂勒 饰)和汉塞尔(欧文·威尔逊 饰)已经被人遗忘,他们不得不重新奋斗,上演一段搞笑之旅。
回复 :Netflix将拍摄西语剧集《花之屋》衍生电影!该电影定名为[花之屋:电影版](The House of Flowers: The Movie,暂译),马诺罗·卡罗回归执导,塞西莉亚·苏亚雷斯确认回归出演,电影版讲述女佣Delia在临终前,要求Paulina去De La Mora家族宅子里寻找宝藏,这让三姐弟再度面临挑战。
回复 :This is a brilliant surrealistic film.But also a fully realistic story about a time when the brave avant-guarde artists were trying to explore the unknown landscapes of human possibilities.The contrast between two realities the poor village and the dadaist artists is shown very smart and brings the possibility of changing the world by the art.Unfortunately, that progressive ideals of making the world better by revealing new areas of imagination, that ruled in the first half of XX century, were crushed by the war.And, the tragedy finishes the artistic ideals are dead, international art brotherhood also, but, as a real disaster Yugoslavia is also dead, as a country, but as an artistic vision of nation's brotherhood, too.So, the art falls apart