爽好舒服Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
爽好舒服Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
回复 :宅男游戏设计师杭远(杜江 饰),从小就暗恋同校才女李若欣(薛凯琪 饰),可每次要表白的时候她都已进入了新恋情。李若欣最后一段感情被未婚夫背叛,不再相信男人,转而与闺蜜Sammi(李媛 饰)越走越近。杭远顿时万念俱灰,于是富二代“好基友”林森森(陈学冬 饰)提议他做最后一搏,想方设法接近若欣,大胆追求所爱。阴差阳错下,杭远竟成为了网络红人,一时间风光无限。 但是好景不长,若欣很快识破了他们的“计谋”。他该如何挽回和女神的破裂的关系,并成功和她在一起呢?
回复 :音乐家夏日为了寻找灵感,与好友波手,猪扒赴海南岛渡假。夏日被mini错认为未婚夫森,原来mini曾被逃婚抛弃而弄玫精神错乱,常把别人误认为森,渴望着完成她那未完的婚礼。夏日被mini深深吸引而决定追求她,mini哥哥man为免妹妹再被愚弄,极力阻挠。波牛与猪扒发现man暗恋自己的妹妹,二人以此威吓man。猪扒为讨好夏日,化妆成女人来勾引他,结果被他赶走,事后猪扒被人以利刀割喉而死,波牛在猪扒手的手中发现一束头发,令她知道真凶是谁?
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