回复 :老先生(乔宏 饰)有三个儿子。老大老良(黄百鸣 饰)整天忙于工作而忽略了老婆贤淑(伍咏薇 饰),贤淑每天在家中打点,却遭到老公误会她红杏出墙。次子老非利用读书逃避到投身社会,个性单纯,向往爱情却遭到伤害,之到后来认识了从北方来的小莲(吴倩莲 饰)。适逢老三老恭生日,平日老恭作恶多端,生性风流,两个哥哥以买彩票为名作为礼物送给老恭,其实那本来是一张过期的中奖彩票,他信以为真,因此欠下了巨债。祸不单行的他撞车脑震荡,变得疯疯癫癫……
回复 :《旭日东升》由八一电影制片厂摄制而成,收录了中国人民解放军第三届文艺会演舞蹈集锦第一集。包含:《旭日东升》、《洗衣歌》、《欢送会》、《比武》、《三千里江山》、《战三九》、《一网打尽》、《舂新米》等11部文艺歌舞节目!
回复 :A young woman's girlfriends throw her a "bachelorette" party shortly before she is to be married, and they hire a male stripper for the occasion. As things get hot and heavy, however, they also tend to get a bit out of hand, and the result is that they wind up humiliating him. What they don't know, however, is that he's not just your average male stripper--he has "magical" powers, and he uses those powers to take his revenge on the women.