无码Summoned to his soon-to-be demolished childhood home, Mason discovers a video camera that can see into the past, driving him to record as many memories as possible before the doomed house is destroyed.
无码Summoned to his soon-to-be demolished childhood home, Mason discovers a video camera that can see into the past, driving him to record as many memories as possible before the doomed house is destroyed.
回复 : 少年李莲英(梁思浩饰)带着未净干净身的秘密入宫,偶然让宫女冬青发现自己的秘密,二人于是暗结珠胎。遇上了自己喜爱的女人,同时也遇上了自己的死敌大太监安德海。凭着自己的聪明伶俐,李莲英很快被安排去侍候年少的皇上同治(宋本中饰),二人每天嬉戏打闹,还去偷窥同治暗恋的宫女桂莲(翁虹饰)沐浴。严厉的慈禧无法容忍儿子的荒唐行为,又在宠臣安德海的怂恿下,同治不得不在她安排下选秀女。在选秀女当天,同治又违背母后的意愿选了蒙古女子为皇后,大怒的慈禧还有心怀鬼胎的安德海到底会如何整治同治与李莲英呢?
回复 :Kang Hyeon-joong, a former National Intelligence Service agent, is currently running a private investigator office after he quit his previous job. Han Mi-so is his secretary helping him with his daily tasks in the office. One day, Kim Jin-hee comes to the detective’s office and requests him to investigate all the women who follow her husband around. She introduces herself as wife of Jang Joon-seok, CEO of the prominent construction company, Dae-ho Trading. When she started dating her current husband, who used to be a mere frontline employee, her father trained him into a professional entrepreneur and then promoted him to the current position. When her husband became successful, women began pursuing him. She said these women tried to blackmail her husband for money. Kang Hyeon-joong accepts the request and starts investigating the women around Joon-seok. When Kang Hyeon-joong finds out that there is this woman, So-yeon, who sees joon-seok often, he scolds So-yeon. However, she says it is unfair because it is Joon-seok, who is bothering her.
回复 :明朝年间,镖师神青奉命押解生辰纲,途中遭迷烟蛊毒人突袭。生辰纲被劫,皇帝大怒,命特工局彻查此事。死里逃生的神青为洗清勾结劫镖人的冤屈,被迫加入皇家特工局,和一心替父申冤女扮男装的王兔妞组成拍档,誓要查出此事真相。二人在危机四伏的探案过程中逗趣不断耍宝不停,救太子、制解药一系列神操作,让探案之路笑料百出。这对欢喜冤家最终能否化解重重危机?两人日渐升温的感情又能否守得云开见月明?