回复 :Judas, a seasoned thief, finds himself in the market square where Christ is giving a sermon and his apostles are collecting alms. He follows them and steals their money, only to be caught red-handed. Nevertheless, the Teacher forgives him. What is more, He invites the thief to become one of His followers and offers him a position as the group’s treasurer. Shocked by Christ’s unexpected offer, Judas decides to join the apostles, if only to figure out what is going on. He gradually starts to comprehend Christ’s message, but feels that the apostles are blindly following their teacher. Judas argues with them, and tries to defend his right to divine the truth of God. But when he fails to make them understand, he realizes that Christ’s teachings may sink into oblivion without benefiting humanity. His solution is to betray Christ. “By killing a man, have I not saved a God?”
回复 :和平美丽的泰若星上女孩马拉(埃文•蕾切尔•伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)与同伴塞恩(贾斯汀•朗恩 Justin Long 饰)在滑翔比赛游戏时突遇地球战舰,善良的泰若星人以为神明降临,结果竟被抓走,包括马拉的父亲。马拉驾驶滑艇将一架人类战机引入风洞,却好心救下中尉吉姆(卢克•威尔森 Luke Wilson 饰)和机器人吉蒂(大卫•克洛斯 David Cross 饰)。为了救回父亲,马拉帮吉姆修好了战机零件,并随吉姆和吉蒂进入人类战舰,却只发现汉默尔将军(布莱恩•考克斯 Brian Cox 饰)一意孤行决定占领泰若星,改造大气层,同时杀死全部泰若星生物。一场大战不可避免,泰若星过去的秘密也终被揭示出来……本片获2008年加拿大渥太华国际动画电影节最佳动画电影大奖。
回复 :商业犯罪搜查科警司黄文彬(林家栋 饰)的妻子前往廉政公署举报丈夫巨额现金来路不明,廉记首席调查主任陆志廉(古天乐 饰)奉命传唤黄到署问话,然而对手老奸巨猾,深谙暗箱一切套路,最终平安脱险。此前不久,黄曾调查素有香港会计界教父之称的罗德永(卢海鹏 饰)未果,视频中二人的反常举止引起陆的怀疑。与此同时,身份难辨的Z基金在道貌岸然的律师胡志勇(王敏德 饰)的推动下即将上市,该基金打着扶贫旗号,有望吸引港府150亿的专项关怀基金投入其中。陆敏感察觉其中的蹊跷,他和同事利用有限的时间展开全面调查。金钱巨大的诱惑之下,贪婪之徒铤而走险,更不惜为此杀人嗜血。狂扫污秽的Z风暴即将到来,黑云压城城欲摧……