回复 :制作组在全中国挑选了十个最具代表性的深度贫困地区案例,分析每个地点采用的不同扶贫方式,例如易地搬迁、产业带动、教育扶贫、企业帮扶等,细说各地在过程中面对的困难,经过无数人的血汗及努力,终于取得成就。节目通过今昔对比,回顾以往生活条件恶劣的同时,呈现今天幸福生活来之不易。
回复 :因为某种神秘的仙宫魔咒的影响,Beauchamp家的女人们全都失去了一段记忆。准确地说,她们都不记得Penelope死后发生的事情。那或许是件好事……特别是对Freya而言。不要指望Freya和Killian短期内会团聚,Killian虽然从那场袭击中幸存,但他在本季开始时身处东区之外。此外,跨越传送门来到人类世界的东西也令Beauchamp家的女人们感到恐惧,Wendy坚信那东西将带来她的厄运。银中毒的Joanna越来越虚弱,只有Victor能够帮助她度过困境,但Victor没法为她解毒。Ingrid产生一种可怕的梦游症。Freya在幻象中看到Killian身处险境。
回复 :Allegra dreams of being part of the Eleven O'Clock musical theater company and becoming the star of "Freaky Friday", a play that consecrated her grandmother years ago. Grandmother Cocó is a living legend in the world of musical comedy and has a complicated relationship with her daughter Caterina, Allegra's mother. Allegra's life is completely altered when she finds a mysterious bracelet in her home that sends her back to 1994, the year Caterina was her age and took her first steps in Eleven O'Clock while living in the shadow of Cocó, a star. at the peak of his career. By learning about her mother and grandmother's past, Allegra will not only help heal the wounds and bring the family together, but she will also discover that while the past cannot be changed, there is a lot to learn from it.