百视Radio astronomers discover a mysterious signal in the deep sea that could be contact with extraterrestrials. After several terrifying manifestations threaten their beliefs, the team must fight to survive the ultimate evil.
百视Radio astronomers discover a mysterious signal in the deep sea that could be contact with extraterrestrials. After several terrifying manifestations threaten their beliefs, the team must fight to survive the ultimate evil.
回复 :The demonic forces in the haunted Long Island house escape through a mystical lamp which finds its way to a remote California mansion where the evil manipulates a little girl by manifesting itself in the form of her dead father.
回复 :故事发生在民国初年,由于官府横征暴敛,百姓民不聊生。后生初七(周俊伟 饰)与应春赶集时路遇流氓调戏田娟(景甜 饰),他出手相救,获得田娟好感,由此展开了初七与应春对田娟的争相追逐。这时,镇上接连发生怪事,几方富甲一夜之间离奇暴毙,田老太爷也未能幸免。毛大师(刘家辉 饰)闻讯带初七前往田府一探究竟,不料遭暗恋田娟的朱捕头(八两金 饰)囚禁,应春与醉猫才欲救毛大师与初七于虎穴,怎奈被已暴毙的“田老太爷”杀死,小镇顿时陷入恐慌之中。田娟对老太爷的离奇暴亡深感怀疑,她把怀疑的目光投向了哥哥田震,正在这时,隐藏在田老太爷坟内的巨蟒向仇人们发动了袭击......
回复 :青年男子阿尔贝(瑟玛尔·侯奴 Cemal Hunal 饰)是一家餐厅的老板,有着很好的工作,事业成功,却过着离群索居的生活。他每天和不同的女人做爱,付她们钱,却从不留任何人过夜。他这样自由而孤独地生活着,自由却寂寞。直到他在二手书店邂逅了美丽的女子艾达(梅莉丝·柏坎 Melis Birkan 饰)。他对艾达一见钟情,并对她展开了热烈的追求。艾达自己经营着一家创意服装店,她从一开始就知道以阿尔贝这样的性格他们注定是分离的结局,但还是难以抵抗他迷人的魅力,与他陷入爱河。习惯了独住的阿尔贝一直无法舍弃自由的生活方式,难以完全溶入艾达,纵然她开朗、迷人,宛如天使。他挣扎,茫然,不知道该如何处理两人之间的关系......©豆瓣