春暖From award-winning Cannes / Venice / Toronto selected director Brillante Mendoza, "GENSAN PUNCH" is inspired by the true story of a Japanese man with a prosthetic leg who traveled to the Philippines to train and become a professional boxer.
春暖From award-winning Cannes / Venice / Toronto selected director Brillante Mendoza, "GENSAN PUNCH" is inspired by the true story of a Japanese man with a prosthetic leg who traveled to the Philippines to train and become a professional boxer.
回复 :A former Britpop rocker who now works on an organic farm gets caught driving drunk and faces deportation after living in Los Angeles for 20 years. In his efforts to stay in the U.S., he must confront the past and current demons in his life.
回复 :卢大年(钟镇涛饰)因替即将出国的姐姐代课来到内湾,在姐姐安排下住进小学音乐老师陈素云(江玲饰)家的二楼。大年担任四年级忠班的班主任。在班上,他一方面要对付调皮捣蛋出了名的“三剑客”,同时也关心着因父母离婚而性格孤僻的学生周兴旺(郑传文饰)。陈素云是个文静的姑娘,整日与大年同来同往,互相产生爱慕之情。在内湾,存在着以投毒和电击的方法捕鱼,大年决心根除这种严重破坏大自然生态的捕鱼方法,在内湾小学发起“爱川护鱼”运动,并在内湾地区推广开来。周兴旺的父亲周文(崔福生饰)经常去电鱼,为此,他受到同学嘲弄而离家出走。大年和素云要去找回孩子,最后他们能结合在一起吗?
回复 :日本军方为侵华做准备,派遣日本商会进驻广州,一面贿赂军阀,收集情报,成立杀手组织暗杀反日人士,一面走私鸦片,大肆敛财,叶问继任佛山警察局侦缉队队长,立案侦查,本以为依靠法律可以匡扶正义,却遭受上级和日本商会的打压,叶问只能晚上化身黑衣侠维持正义,然而日本商会已然发现叶问身份,布下天罗地网......