回复 :翻拍自同名原作。
回复 :在英国郊外某个安静的角落,耸立着豪华考究的别墅。这幢别墅属于年迈的希夏尔先生(吉姆·诺顿 Jim Norton 饰)和希夏尔太太(黛安娜·哈卡索 Diana Hardcastle 饰)夫妇。这一天,别墅迎来了一个年轻女孩。女孩名叫格丽塔(劳伦·科汉 Lauren Cohan 饰),因某些原因他希望逃离之前的生活,同时也是受雇于希夏尔完成一项奇怪的工作。希夏尔夫妇即将外出度假,他们要求格丽塔在此期间照顾他们的“儿子”布拉姆斯——一个男孩模样的人偶。格丽塔起初感到好笑,但看到夫妇俩一本正经的模样也便尽可能控制自己的好奇心。夫妇为格丽塔规定了不可逾越的条款,但是当他们离开后,格丽塔却最终逾越了戒条。令她难以置信的是,布拉姆斯仿佛真的拥有鲜活的生命……
回复 :Halloween 1997 – the last night of high school for Corey, Jango and their skater gang, The Gromits. Childhood is over and adult life beckons. But for Corey, his past has some unfinished business. When he encounters Jonah, a former childhood friend but now victimised by Jango’s cruel streak, Corey takes pity on him and agrees to walk him home for old time’s sake. What starts off as a normal walk through empty suburban streets descends into something darker and magical, as trip through their memories and ghosts of the past, and Corey is surprised to discover how much he still has in common with his abandoned friend. And even the most buried truths will find a way of coming to life. Best unproduced screenplay award at the 2011 New York Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.