回复 :阿真(Suwinit Panjamawat 饰)的母亲因为难产而死,因此父亲对阿真十分痛恨,常常虐待之余还称阿真为畜生。阿真对父亲的残忍荒淫分外痛恨,幸好阿真仍得到母亲朋友华姨(Wipawee Charoenpura 饰)的疼爱。不久华姨为父亲生下了一名女儿,这个妹妹阿乔得到了父亲的溺爱,父亲更教会阿乔同样憎恨阿真。阿真十三岁时,父亲的旧情人晚娘(钟丽缇 饰)搬到了他们家,血气方刚的阿真与晚娘也发生了关系。这时可恶的乔竟然侮蔑阿真要强奸自己,阿真在华姨的劝说下回到了乡下。三年后,阿真再次回到了家中。原来阿乔怀孕了,孩子的父亲却不知是谁。而阿真的回来就是要迎娶阿乔,为了报答多年疼爱他的华姨,阿真答应了。成为一家之主后的阿真,竟然与当年的父亲一样,荒淫无度。而母亲的惨痛经历,使他无法忘怀。
回复 :[之后3]讲述Tessa的生活开始变得扑朔迷离,一切都不像她想象的那样。她唯一可以依靠的人Hardin发现她一直保守的巨大秘密时,Hardin非常愤怒。而他非但没有理解,反而搞起了破坏。
回复 :"Do you want to do it...?"The fatal seduction of...the "Challenge Game"Florist Ae-ran (Vicky) and forensics investigator Min-ho (Choi Ryeong) from the Public Prosecutor's Office both have a family that everyone wants. However, Min-ho can't handle bed time so Ae-ran starts a 'challenge game' in which she seduces and has sex with strange men. One day, Ae-ran and Min-ho meet Alex (Choi Hyeon-ho) at a tango cafe. Alex is interested in Ae-ran and approaches her while Ae-ran takes interest in Alex who is more handsome than her husband. Min-ho later witnesses them in action and gets angry when he finds out the man Ae-ran seduced is Alex. Min-ho feels nervous because he finds out Alex isn't just a game partner and approached him for a reason. Min-ho tries to get rid of Alex but Alex chokes Ae-ran and Min-ho even more and feels catharsis. The game they started is turning into a catastrophe...