回复 :Christine (Sandy McLeod), a bright and unassuming young woman, takes a job selling tickets at a porno theater near Times Square. Instead of distancing herself from the dark and erotic nature of this milieu, Christine soon develops an obsession that begins to consume her life. The character’s reaction unexpectedly flips normal gender roles; director Gordon daringly twists feminist ideology by showing a woman who finds self-expression through an interest in pornography. Variety becomes even more provocative when it dramatizes the changes that occur in Christine’s relationships with both Mark (Will Patton), her boyfriend, and Louie, a dangerous-looking patron of the theater.
回复 :以朝鲜历史上著名暴君燕山君执政时期为背景,讲述的是在君王面前伪装忠臣,实际上却是扰乱政坛主谋的奸臣的故事,其视皇帝为傀儡,实为“王上之王”。
回复 :1998年,法国世界杯如火如荼,点燃全世界的热情,甚至连偏居世界一隅的寺院也感受到了这阵波动。印度某个青山绿水的幽静所在,法鼓法螺,梵呗齐吟,华严庄重的大殿内,童心未泯的小喇嘛Orgyen(Jamyang Lodro 饰)更加关心各种新鲜有趣的事物,而充满激情的世界杯无疑引起了他最大的兴趣。他搜集各种与之相关的信息,并在袍子内穿上钟爱球队的队服,间或和同伴逃下山观看比赛,狂热劲头与凡俗众生无异。与此同时,少年尼玛(Pema Tshundup 饰)和舅舅流亡于此,削法为僧。他们见证着Orgyen为将世界杯转播带入寺院而作的努力,有道是“佛法在世间,不离世间觉。”修行者最生动的身姿,定格在1998年的那个瞬间……本片由藏传佛教上师三世宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切执导。