回复 :自上帝造⼈以來,⼈間就誕生了千千萬萬個男⼈和女⼈的愛情故事。本片由十三個關於愛情的小故事組成,從個人、家庭、社會等不同層面出發,探討這個永恆的人生議題——愛情!
回复 :气候干燥的玻利维亚高地,一对年迈的、以放牧羊驼为生的克丘亚族夫妇一直在这里过着相濡以沫的生活。但一场多年难遇的大旱灾让他们本就拮据的生活雪上加霜,这不仅威胁到他们自己,还威胁到整个村庄的存亡。夫妻俩的孙子闻讯从城市返回,想让他们与自己一起进城生活,但这对早已习惯乡村生活的夫妻俩来说,又是一个严酷的挑战。两代、三人将以不同的方式看待社会与自然的变化,以及生命的意义。
回复 :June 1982, Sicily. While Italians dream of winning the World Cup, two adolescents dream of living their love story without fear.Gianni 17, is bullied because of his homosexuality but his life changes when he meets by accident Nino 16, a captivating and innocent boy. The profound friendship they develop will without embarrassment turn into love, as they start working together for Nino’s father, shooting fireworks. When their bond is discovered by their families, the consequences are as violent as the times and mores are conservative. The two teenagers are separated by force but ready to challenge everything and everyone, convinced their love can defeat death.