石金水(周星驰 饰)与吴带娣(吴君如 饰)同在乡下长大,偷窥二人青梅竹马,偷窥也私定终生了。由于阿娣的父亲反对,两人不得不私奔到市区生活。刚开始金水的求职路十分不顺,处处碰壁,夫妻俩过着拮据的生活。得到工作后的金水勤奋工作得到了上司Nancy赏识提携。二人更渐生情愫,导致了金水与妻子阿娣感情破裂,阿娣伤心离去。两年后,金水浪子回头,决定找回昔日的爱妻。
石金水(周星驰 饰)与吴带娣(吴君如 饰)同在乡下长大,偷窥二人青梅竹马,偷窥也私定终生了。由于阿娣的父亲反对,两人不得不私奔到市区生活。刚开始金水的求职路十分不顺,处处碰壁,夫妻俩过着拮据的生活。得到工作后的金水勤奋工作得到了上司Nancy赏识提携。二人更渐生情愫,导致了金水与妻子阿娣感情破裂,阿娣伤心离去。两年后,金水浪子回头,决定找回昔日的爱妻。
回复 :A reporter, cameraman, and some petty thieves are stranded in a boat out on the ocean. The only thing that stands between them and their lives is a 50-foot prehistoric megalodon shark. They must all pull together to survive.
回复 :城市的一隅。一家银行外的提款机前,一中年胖男人正熟练地操作着自动提款机。在他不远处的路边停着一辆破旧的红色夏利。车内坐着两个游走在城市边缘总想靠歪门邪道捞取不义之财的无业人员熊棋和潘安。他们专注地盯着提款机前的中年男人,伺机下手。城市的另一处,在一幢高级写字楼里,一家大公司的总经理室,中年经理坐在大班桌前,在他对面,坐着衣冠楚楚的某新成立的广告公司的经理段誉。展正在口若悬河宣传自己公司的业务,希望能与该公司合作。却被对方无情拒绝。段誉精明强干讲义气幽默乐观却爱耍些小聪明,但事业上却不如意,大学毕业后几年下来做了许多生意,均不顺利,后来好不容易拿到一家……
回复 :After his best friend Kevin commits suicide, John decides his life needs a change and he spontaneously heads off to Europe to follow Kevin's muse Solange, a minor pop music diva and eccentric B-movie actress. As the odd pair become embroiled in a world of sex, drugs, and murder the boundaries of trust start to wear thin and John begins to wonder whether Solange is the victim of a bizarre lifestyle or its mastermind. Shot on location in Europe and featuring a killer soundtrack, Todd Verow's most recent film is an homage to 80's cinema and a fun installment in the prolific director's portfolio