僵尸Alice and Tommaso have been together for many years. When they invite their friends to dinner, everyone thinks they'll announce they're getting married. Instead, they are breaking up.Venetian Nights 2021
僵尸Alice and Tommaso have been together for many years. When they invite their friends to dinner, everyone thinks they'll announce they're getting married. Instead, they are breaking up.Venetian Nights 2021
回复 :讲述大清兴国太后孝庄文皇后传奇一生。
回复 :贵为梅丞相(戴毅饰)千金的梅玉扇(张淼怡饰)与神偷小豆子(陈思宇饰)两个性格迥异,身份悬殊的姑娘,在交换人生的过程中引发了许多啼笑皆非的故事,看身为丞相之女的梅玉扇如何用“霸道神偷”的反转魅力攻略籍西国太子南宫曜(杨昊铭饰),而高冷又强迫症满格的太子最终是否能打破国师白烨(徐可饰)对太子因爱情引发籍西灭国的预言,做到不负家国不负卿...
回复 :18世纪后半叶,日本东北地区的一座村庄因为低温而出现了食物短缺的状况。一位叫凛(山田杏奈 饰)的少女即便受村人蔑视,仍旧不屈地活着。她在苦难的生活中,听说早池峰山中住着能够原谅罪人的女神,于是向其祷告,决意要坚毅地在山中生存下去。