回复 :由日本著名情色作家團鬼六作品改編,左是經典情色電影《花與蛇》系列的第四部沿襲系列的風格,本的SM震撼場面有增無滅。大庭秀紀是一名英俊有為的牙醫,但多年來仍然單身。他一直將護士直江當作性奴隸,亦從麻醉女性病人而獲得性滿足。當他遇上年青美麗的美貴,即情不自禁在她身上發洩滿腔慾火。但原來美貴和她的師傅伊藤夫人是對同性戀。大庭的色心越來越失控,他不單將美貴囚禁起來作私人性奴,連伊藤夫人。亦逃不過他的魔掌目睹一場惢一場厲害的SM角力和同性性愛高,直江妒火中燒,憤而將大庭的眼狠狠弄傷……
回复 :Fist Of Fury III stars Bruce Li as the brother of Bruce Lee's character who after accomplishing revenge on the Japanese fighters that killed his brother, returns to take care of his mother and live in the country. Determined to live a peaceful life he finds himself forced into action as Japanese thugs follow him and make his life miserable. Fist Of Fury III is way better than Fist Of Fury II, but (of course) not up to the standard of Bruce Lee's original. This one is a standard kung fu cheapie in all arenas, except that the fights are better handled, the story develops the vengeance angle fairly well and in fact has a great climax involving a thunderstorm that basically adds to the action's overall mood. Once again it's no great masterpiece and Bruce Li, while charismatic, is not Bruce Lee but as far as kung fu movies go this is as good as these things get. Another nice touch is bringing back the English Intrepeter from Bruce Lee's Return Of The Dragon, as well as crisp directing during the action in the style of Bruce Lee's original. It's nothing worth going out of your way to locate, but if found in the bargain bin or in a Kung Fu movie collection, it's worth picking up.
回复 :卢沟桥事变爆发后,中囯人民开始全面抗战。不久,忻口战役打响,我129师769团陈锡联(王挺 饰)率部直插雁门关,阻击日军增援部队。为配合主力正面作战,必须摧毁敌人阳明堡机场,陈锡联派人找到机场的设计者,使其晓之以理,对方交出了机场原始图纸。1937年10月19日夜,经过周密布署,769团六百名勇士向机场发起了进攻,与守卫机场的日军展开了浴血搏斗,炸毀零式战斗机24架,全歼了敌守军200余人。我方也付出了一百余人血的代价,营长赵大力(刘天佐 饰)壮烈殉国。日军大本营做梦都没想到,装备低劣的土八路竟然摧毁了防守严密的机场。夜袭阳明堡很快传遍了抗战前线,极大鼓舞了我军势气......