回复 :十九世纪中期,一场致命的天灾几乎毁了法国的丝绸工业,受法国丝绸商人巴达比欧(阿尔佛雷德·莫利纳 饰)所托,退役军人哈维(迈克尔·彼特 饰)离开爱妻海琳(凯拉·奈特莉 饰),赴日购买蚕种。在当时,这并不是一件容易的事,由于处在幕府末期的日本正实行闭关锁国政策,一切交易只能在暗中进行。当时势力较大的贵族源十兵卫(役所广司 饰)同意于哈维做这笔交易,但在商谈中,哈维却被十兵卫的小妾(芦名星 饰)所吸引,尽管两人语言不通,但宿命一样的爱情还是开始了。随着哈维的四次旅程,两人之间的感情越来越深。远在法国的海琳,靠做教师带着儿子艰辛度日。丈夫的远行,总是让她担心不已。随着时间的推移,海琳渐渐发现哈维似乎有一个异国情人……
回复 :Two high level scuba-divers and long-time friends, Don and Dave, broke a world record for depth in the Boesmansgat cave in South Africa. It would take them 15 minutes to reach the bottom, but 12 hours to surface. Having reached the bottom, against all odds, they find a body. They decide to come back and retrieve it. They call the parents, enrol 8 fellow divers, and hire a cameraman to document the dive. The camera will follow them throughout the preparation and the dive, including to the bottom of the cave. Little did they know that on that historic dive, Dave would not be coming back. In this time of over-performance driven by self-promotion and self-filming comes Boesmansgat, a story of loss and mourning where egoism and altruism, hubris and self-control, risk-taking and spirituality all go hand in hand. A cascade of choices and tense paradoxes that lead to a tragedy long foreseen, yet impossible to prevent. Written by AADP
回复 :《娘心》讲述的是清末民初,蔡王两家的豪门恩怨:蔡家小姐蔡招弟(符荷晴饰)爱上了王家少爷王世鸿(宗峰岩饰),王世鸿却已有爱妻李玉卿,蔡招弟与王家老爷王添财(任学海饰)联手设计陷害了李玉卿后如愿嫁到王家。长工阿荣(任天野饰)和养女小玉(马雅舒饰)照顾李玉卿的儿子天晟,并化名阿忠和彩霞进入王家,调查李玉卿死亡的真相。