回复 :抗战时期,新四军战士杨浩天在带领掉队的战友--卫生员豆花儿、士兵小虎、冯四一等人归队时,与被日军追击的国军情报员秦瑜在迷云岭相遇。两方人马,在猎户女儿三喜的帮助下,从敌对到合作,共同抵御天险,抗击日军。众人各自利用所长,成功阻止了日军追踪拦截的计划,为情报的顺利送达争取到了宝贵的时间。然而寡不敌众,新四军等人接连牺牲,关乎着更多人性命的情报落入到杨浩天手中,他将作何选择...
回复 :一群以绑架勒索营生的暴徒,绑架了几个学生,然而他们并不知道这几个学生都是学校的跆拳道高手,一场搞笑的绑架案就这样开始了。最终孩子们机智勇敢的逃出黑暗组织,并让罪犯受到了法律制裁。
回复 :Attorney Sean Cassey is called on by the New York District Attorney to try drug kingpin Jordon Washington, accused of murdering two cops and injuring a third, Sean's father. The publicity from the trial is a boom to Sean's career, but when Washington's lawyer, Sam Vigoda, makes accusations of police corruption that hit Sean too close to home, Sean is divided between justice, his career, and his family.