活死A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect in the Philippines. When the chief dies, all evidence points towards the spy, and he must go to extremes to defend himself.
活死A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect in the Philippines. When the chief dies, all evidence points towards the spy, and he must go to extremes to defend himself.
回复 :一个复杂的谜团在 1980 年阿根廷的压力锅中解开,揭示了特权金钱世界究竟是多么黑暗和肮脏。当他的商业伙伴突然消失时,瑞士私人银行家伊万德维尔和他的妻子伊内斯前往布宜诺斯艾利斯,那里的军事独裁统治继续“消失”阿根廷公民。在那里,伊万努力赢得合伙人客户的信任和金钱,这让他进入了这座城市迷人的超级精英与世隔绝的高风险世界。在保护他们的财富的过程中,他会不会手上沾满鲜血?作家/导演安德烈亚斯·丰塔纳 (Andreas Fontana) 深谙他在其大胆的处女作中所描绘的颓废世界,部分灵感来自他的祖父,他是一位瑞士金融家。Fabrizio Rongione(《两天一夜》,MIFF 2014)饰演 Yvan 非常出色,而 Stéphanie Cléau 则将他视为他的麦克白夫人般的配偶,她比丈夫的客户的利益更重要。与 Mariano Llinás(La Flor,MIFF 2019)合着,Azor是一段令人印象深刻、令人着迷的阿根廷黑暗中心之旅。
回复 :Which human skills are we trying to learn the forthcoming generations? Childhood is observing 6-year-olds in a pre-school in Nesodden outside Oslo in the Direkt Cinema-tradition, made to debate when children are put into a school situation.
回复 :两个颓废中年难兄难弟慕蓉辉、笠水计划抢劫却意外被悍匪梅蓝天搅局,阴差阳错间三人临时组队不料钱款早已被捷足先登,一时间匪徒各怀鬼胎,互相吞并。与此同时女警探姜姐也将三人锁定,枪战、抢钱一触即发,临时劫案谁生谁死谁破案?