回复 :The series follows the ups and downs of third-generation restaurateur BOB (H. Jon Benjamin), who runs Bob's Burgers with the help of his wife and their three kids. Bob and his unpredictable family have big ideas about burgers, but they fall short on service and sophistication. Despite their restaurant's greasy counters, lousy location and dearth of customers, Bob and his family...
回复 :The iconic cat and mouse rivals are back in The Tom and Jerry Show, a fresh take on the classic series. Preserving the look, characters and sensibility of the original, the all-new series shines a brightly colored, high-definition lens on the madcap slapstick and never-ending battle that has made Tom and Jerry two of the most beloved characters of all time.
回复 :充满了阳光和活力的夏天到来了!为了应付炎热的天气和即将到来了秋冬,汀克贝儿(梅·惠特曼 Mae Whitman 饰)和她的仙子朋友们此刻正忙得不亦乐乎。虽然身为仙子,但也有着各自不同的喜恶,汀克贝儿和薇迪亚(Pamela Segall 配音)就一直看对方不太入眼,这不,为了一点小事,两人又吵了起来啦。令两人没有想到的是,就在这个节骨眼上,一个人类的孩子莉兹(Lauren Mote 配音)竟然在无意之中将汀克贝儿给捉走了!如果坐视不管,仙子们企图隐藏的仙子世界终究会被人类发现。为了解救同伴,薇迪亚前后奔走着,祸不单行,雨季来临了,一边是恶劣的天气,一边是陷入危险的汀克贝儿,薇迪亚会怎么做呢?