28岁的威廉(格辛·安东尼饰)因祖父的一封来自丹麦的信,欧美决定与好友杰瑞米(塞巴斯蒂安·阿梅斯托饰)及其他的女友(奥利维亚·格兰特饰)前往哥本哈根探寻自我。在根本哈根,欧美威廉认识了当地女孩埃菲(Frederikke Dahl Hansen饰)并逐渐爱上了她。但是某日,威廉发现埃菲竟然只有14岁,他意识到要认真对待这份感情……
28岁的威廉(格辛·安东尼饰)因祖父的一封来自丹麦的信,欧美决定与好友杰瑞米(塞巴斯蒂安·阿梅斯托饰)及其他的女友(奥利维亚·格兰特饰)前往哥本哈根探寻自我。在根本哈根,欧美威廉认识了当地女孩埃菲(Frederikke Dahl Hansen饰)并逐渐爱上了她。但是某日,威廉发现埃菲竟然只有14岁,他意识到要认真对待这份感情……
回复 :1990年代的北英格兰小镇,一个少女想当音乐记者,而她朴素害羞的风格跟乐队、演出格格不入。但某天,她摇身一变成为“朵丽·王尔德第二”,以一个彩色头发、华丽张扬的新锐写手形象打进了那个圈子。但新生活也带给了她五味杂陈的新感悟……
回复 :东州地区长期盘踞着一支以秃鹰为首的贩毒团伙。为了将其一网打尽,以梅静为首的霹雳女子特警队及梁壮等男子闪电突击队员成功攻入贩毒团伙的制毒基地,经历一番激战后,最终战胜穷凶极恶的贩毒集团的故事。
回复 :Maciej Berbeka makes the first winter ascent of Broad Peak in 1988, escaping death by inches. Andrzej Zawada, the expedition leader, announces a great success. Once they return to Poland, it turns out Maciej reached "only" the Rocky Summit, which is twenty-three metros lower than the actual peak located one hour away. Resentful of his friends' lies, Berbeka withdraws from mountaineering. Twenty- -four years later, he takes a call from Krzysztof Wielicki, who also participated in the first expedition. "We have to finish what we started," says Krzysztof as he persuades Maciej to join the next Broad Peak expedition. After a long hesitation, Maciej decides to try once again.