:警司昆廷(莫里斯•迪恩•温特Maurice Dean Wint 饰)、监狱专家兼传感器专家伦尼斯(维尼•罗宾逊 Wayne Robson 饰)、医生霍洛韦(尼基•瓜达尼 Nicky Guadagni 饰)、建筑师沃思(戴维•休利特 David Hewlett)、数学系的大学生利文(尼科勒•德搏尔 Nicole de Boer 饰)和身患孤独症的学者卡赞(安德鲁•米勒 Andrew Miller 饰),六个素不相识的人,一觉醒来后发现一同身处于由一个个形状相同的立方体组成的结构复杂的高度精密迷宫中!他们唯一的出路只有逃离这座迷宫,然而,一个个立方体尽管外貌相同,然而里面的机关却各不一样,复杂异常。依靠利文数学知识的推理,他们终于以为发现迷宫的运行规律,凭此一次次解开各个机关,迷宫的边缘近在眼前。当他们正欲合力逃出迷宫之际,意外发生了。
:烧腊店老板娘娟(杨梵 饰)生性风骚、放荡不羁,然而在性生活方面丈夫昌(张锦程 饰)却无法满足她,以至于她经常对其吆五喝六。娟的表妹亚凤(孙佳君 饰)从大陆来香港探亲,并暂住店中。由于亚凤面容姣好,吸引了来此用餐的客人,其中也包括辖区警探亚生(黄秋生 饰)。某日,娟带亚凤逛街,亚凤因为一件真丝睡衣遭店员白眼,暗中发誓要出这口恶气。在娟出门鬼混之际,亚凤暗中勾引了昌,令对方俯首帖耳。此后,亚凤不但狠狠回敬了趋炎附势的店员,而且还获得了在港的身份。此后,娟和昌再过性生活时,发现昌的反应有所转变,怀疑他在外偷腥。这时,发型、衣着大变样的亚凤,引起了娟的注意。两人之间的争斗逐渐升级。但亚凤毫无惧色,她仰仗昌的宠爱,变本加厉跟娟对抗,一步步施行着自己变态的复仇计划……
:It has been said that most great twentieth century novels include scenes in a hotel, a symptom of the vast uprooting that has occurred in the last century: James Ivory begins Quartet with a montage of the hotels of Montparnasse, a quiet prelude before our introduction to the violently lost souls who inhabit them.Adapted from the 1928 autobiographical novel by Jean Rhys, Quartet is the story of a love quadrangle between a complicated young West Indian woman named Marya (played by Isabelle Adjani), her husband Stefan (Anthony Higgins), a manipulative English art patron named Heidler (Alan Bates), and his painter wife Lois (Maggie Smith). The film is set in the Golden Age of Paris, Hemingway's "moveable feast" of cafe culture and extravagant nightlife, glitter and literati: yet underneath is the outline of something sinister beneath the polished brasses and brasseries.When Marya's husband is put in a Paris prison on charges of selling stolen art works, she is left indigent and is taken in by Heidler and his wife: the predatory Englishman (whose character Rhys bases on the novelist Ford Madox Ford) is quick to take advantage of the new living arrangement, and Marya finds herself in a stranglehold between husband and wife. Lovers alternately gravitate toward and are repelled by each other, now professing their love, now confessing their brutal indifference -- all the while keeping up appearances. The film explores the vast territory between the "nice" and the "good," between outward refinement and inner darkness: after one violent episode, Lois asks Marya not to speak of it to the Paris crowd. "Is that all you're worried about?" demands an outraged Marya. "Yes," Lois replies with icy candor, "as a matter of fact."Adjani won the Best Actress award at Cannes for her performances in Quartet: her Marya is a volatile compound of French schoolgirl and scorned mistress, veering between tremulous joy and hysterical outburst. Smith shines in one of her most memorable roles: she imbues Lois with a Katherine-of-Aragon impotent rage, as humiliated as she is powerless in the face of her husband's choices. Her interactions with Bates are scenes from a marriage that has moved from disillusionment to pale acceptance.Ruth Prawer Jhabvala and James Ivory's screenplay uses Rhys's novel as a foundation from which it constructs a world that is both true to the novel and distinctive in its own right, painting a society that has lost its inhibitions and inadvertently lost its soul. We are taken to mirrored cafes, then move through the looking glass: Marya, in one scene, is offered a job as a model and then finds herself in a sadomasochistic pornographer's studio. The film, as photographed by Pierre Lhomme, creates thoroughly cinematic moments that Rhy's novel could not have attempted: in one of the Ivory's most memorable scenes, a black American chanteuse (extraordinarily played by Armelia McQueen) entertains Parisian patrons with a big and brassy jazz song, neither subtle nor elegant. Ivory keeps the camera on the singer's act: there is something in her unguarded smile that makes the danger beneath Montparnasse manners seem more acute.