回复 :Even today, in order to create a sculpture in bronze, it is necessary to take the same steps taken in the fifth century BC for the Riace bronzes. These steps are not taught in school, but are passed on in the ancient oral tradition and through apprenticeships from artisans. This documentary is a way to observe and feel the work of a 100-year old bronze foundry in Italy: a place were past and present share the same gestures and where each gesture it's a sculpture itself.
回复 :Agathe von Trapp, the eldest daughter of a well-known musical family, overcomes many obstacles to peruse her musical career and move to the United States.
回复 :伊斯坦布尔的猫并不能简单归类为我们平日所见的家猫或流浪猫,它们自由地出入于人类的生活,亲密但又保有自由,介乎于野生与驯养之间。在伊斯坦布尔,这样的猫成千上万只,它们以这样的方式和伊斯坦布尔共生了数千年。伊斯坦布尔人爱猫,许多人都有自己和猫之间独特的故事,与其说是猫依赖人 ,不如说是人依赖着与猫之间的亲密与羁绊,有人觉得猫是自己和上帝之间的桥梁,有人觉得猫是自己活在世上的一面镜子。伊斯坦布尔的猫之所以特别,因为它们也是这里的居民,伊斯坦布尔是它们的城市。